Digital Bridge K-12
This spring, the coronavirus pandemic forced nearly 125,000 schools to close their doors – tasking 55 million teachers and students with quickly adapting to distance learning in the final weeks of the school year. Many schools across the nation transitioned their curriculums online, but students in every state were left behind.

9.7 million students
don’t have reliable internet connectivity at home.

We believe in the power of digital learning to level the playing field for all students. Since 2012, EducationSuperHighway has worked to successfully upgrade the Internet access in every public classroom in America. As schools prepare for remote learning in the fall, we are taking urgent action to ensure all students have equitable access to the Internet at home.
Digital Bridge K-12 is supporting school districts to increase connectivity outside the classroom by providing every public school in America with a playbook to connect students to high-speed Internet. We will identify strategies and best practices for school districts and states to efficiently identify students who lack access to a device or Internet outside the classroom. Our tools and resources will provide best practices for researching, procuring, and deploying connectivity solutions and helping school districts set up a device lending program.